Imagine the gift of time that by now we, teachers all over the world can only attribute to Providence. December 21 was predicted as the end of the world and now it is Christmas Day and few days from now,God we welcome the New Year - 2013! If it is not Divine Intervention then what is. . .

Time is a teaching moment for each person. Like yours truly, I am running out of time since I am already 62 and everything else falls within god's territory as to its extension. Another year, another teaching and gratifying moment from God Almighty.

So young folks out there. Never take for granted the time that seems so long for you to become an adult. Only to realize coming from our perspective that you are the best recipient of a gift of time. Do not hurry up to grow old or become an adult. Savor the time that the elderly keeps on hopingn to have more of. Enjoy your being young.

I am now looking at my children who have grown and I cannot help but cry of gratitude and happiness. I am now enjoying Christmas with them - at 62 years old! Still a teacher but will never be this age ever for few days from now - another year will be upon us, another year for me to be grateful. 

Fellow mentors and/teachers alike whoever and wherever you are: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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