It is already April 26, 2013 so four days more and it is goodbye April. This means May is before us and when 13 comes it is election time. Teachers, parents, sectoral leaders, concerned citizens, have we inculcated in our voters the power they have come election time?  It is this empowerment that should be the key in deciding according to a well-informed choice. Gone are the days when voters are given their rightful place by buying their votes.

Other countries are also holding their elections so the Philippines is not alone in telling the world that democracy is very much alive in our place. Election is a very vital sign that democracy is here to stay.

Since our homes are where we are as our real selves, teaching one's capacity to choose according to one's conscience should begin there. Thus there is no more time to lose then. Let us focus our attention on our loved ones who are now adults. Let them vote accordingly.

See you then in election centers. Let democracy take its course.


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