Families are complex groups of people. If not for the truth that when everything comes to pass, only God knows who is truly genuine and deserving of eternal happiness with Him in his Kingdom.

Having said the aforementioned context, pain is a very good teacher of life's genuine challenge to see the joy just waiting to be unveiled. Take the case of a relative who went out of her way to take into her fold a niece who has nowhere to go. She has children to take care of, so to be in a foreign country is like living in desert. Developed countries have this standard of living to mind your own business. Unless you happen to have neighbors with big hearts, you are really on your own This nice lady however is a christian and as it happened the young mother with children stayed in her apartment for months. Then came the time when the young mother borrowed cash which amounted to a huge sum but trusting that if better times come as agreed upon, she would be paid.

Then the time came when the mom and kids have to leave for after all there is a father who is supposed to contribute his share of feeding the kids. It seemed the mother got a job and life must have smiled brightly because they did not go back to their aunt's place. Without pointing out all the details, complexity arose when there was miscommunication in relaying manifestations of concern. It happened that the aunt who helped not only the mom with children but also a sibling who is sick with capital C. In the complex web of life's realities, the young mom happens to be the daughter of the sibling-brother. The culprit was the relayed information that it looked like the children of the sick sibling were blamed for not taking care of the capital C. The aunt who sent help seemed to be alluded as saying the children were instrumental in letting the condition become dangerous. All along what the aunt wanted to say was to ask why was the condition not observed early enough and why did not everybody prevent it to happen. Nobody was supposed to be blamed.

So now the state of affairs is the complex entanglement of who said what to whom. Now we offer to the best listener the intricacy of all the data and pray that one day, the real culprit is humble enough to apologize. 

Pain is a very good teacher of life's genuine challenge to see the joy just waiting to be unveiled.  


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