Our world today is very demanding and its technological advances cannot promise to offer the gadgets how to make it through marital blues and blows.

In fact, years of marital bliss teach every married couple the reason why they manage to embrace life through thick and thin. While the number of years being married does not become a guarantee, it can hold on to the promise that another day will be another teaching moment to improve for the better. 

Let us then pat the shoulders of our colleagues who pursue the paths of righteousness and hold on to the commitment of remaining faithful no matter the odds. Why not? Every marriage is not just an affair between the husband the wife. My twenty-year marriage taught me, for example, that the bitter pill of tensions and outbursts become necessary ingredients of true love. Hold on even if left to our devices, it is unbearable. That's why there is a third party in this relationship - the Supreme Being who blesses the relationship which became a commitment blessed in God's name. 

It is therefore without hesitation this teacher blogger attests that years of marital bliss teach us why every married couple embraces life through and thin.


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