Teacher'steacher has been away for quite sometime because of many commitments and other side activities but she professes with the Girl Scouts all over the world that "once a girl scouts, always a girl scout"since she is after all a Girl Scout too that she remains a teacher forever. What a way to say just to come backto the blogging scene. As though to say in with a faraway look that if at all possible, to use the tone of the Girl Scouts all over the world, once a blogger always a blogger?

So how has life been with you fellow netizens? This teacher, being two years away from retirement, the magicdate being July 1, 2015, intends to do better in her newfound love of blogging. If you continue to read Malaybalayan.blogspot.com why not?

Teacher'steacher will try to inspire her writing enthusiasm by labeling today as the new zest to keep the faith.  Teachers all over the world, let us bind each other and renew the vigor of communicating internationally and locally.

Today, September 1 is only the beginning . . .  


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