One views CNN and we read about Iran's nuclear power. Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt say they also have plans to build their own nuclear weapons. Ordinary mortals are left tongue-tied and as a teacher, this information must be disseminated to young people for further deliberation.

Some points to share: With all the calamities and crises that beset mankind, is the nuclear program the best course of action? We have only one earth so we only have to put on the tv to see for ourselves how interconnected we are with each other. It is not too long nor too difficult to come to a realization that should the nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands or a certain power-hungry prime minister or president decide to dominate another country, destruction would be unforgivable.

This leaves the ordinary mortal to what he/.she alone can do from his/her end: Pray, pray and pray for all the world leaders to be enlightened and wake up to the reality that they too are ordinary mortals. To put it
plainly: each of us will be accountable to the Creator who appointed us stewards not destroyers of His creation.


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