US-China: Obama-Hu Jintao Meeting: So?

There are meetings and THERE ARE MEETINGS. The meeting between Barack Obama, the President of the United States and Hu Jintao, the Prime Minister of China is what is referred in the latter type of meeting. It  implies the  meeting of two leaders of the two most powerful countries which is in fact vital for other countries. For Obama, it is his first visit to Beijing, China as president. This meeting is held at a time when there is economic recession so the key global issues that they have to discuss include trade, climate change and nuclear proliferation. The followers are left asking, so?

Indeed, countries which are developed are worried for while they claim that they must do something to protect the world for the sake of humanity, others already know they are doing it to protect their interests. Notwithstanding this observation, we are still happy the two leaders meet and from their initiatives, other countries can also engage in collaborative ventures where a multiplier effect can take place.

For us teachers, meetings are vehicles to bring people together to plan, discuss, decide, celebrate, learn together.  Let us join the two leaders if only in the spirit of oneness with their desire to take care of this one world, mankind is in-charge of - for the present and future generations.

US-China Meeting: November 2009 in Beijing China: A Beginning for better things ahead.


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