There are people we meet in life who are very organized. One time, I came near a table of one such person: all documents arranged according to order of urgency. The table was a sight to behold. Even the drawers which were opened looked so arranged what with all the contents clipped and labelled. This is one of my New Year resolutions: to be organized.

Next in line is to finalize our plan to construct a house. The whole year will be a year of forced savings. With so many who tried loaning from a "Love Housing Program" and finding it asking many requirements, the best solution is to save minimum of three or four thousand a month for a year or so and if religiously done, the amount is supposed to reach seventy-two thousand or ninety-six thousand pesos in two years. If I can make a go of this, it will not just be a resolution but a revolution. I am not very good at saving, you know.

Third in line is to painfully assess my life's journey. Now that I am approaching sixty, the reality of mortality is an issue I must come to grips with. My children are all grown and indeed it is true that there comes a time when you have to let go. Somehow, I stay in the background and offer them back to God who takes over from where I left off. Certainly, it will both be a resolution and a revolution.

Finally, I have to own the fact that I have up to 2015 to work as a teacher. By then I will be 65 years old. Imagine 65 years old. Only God knows of course how long we have on this earth so all I can do is hold on to the faith that God knows what is best for me. This portion is definitely part of a five year resolution . . . until further notice . . .

My beloved readers, this blogspot is fast becoming my "sounding board" or "think aloud journal". Whatever will become of it, rest assured, the intention is to share my inmost thoughts to jibe with yours. Where we think alike, I am humbled and confirmed and where we do not see eye to eye, take it with a grain of salt.

Fellow sojourners, how about you? Have you formulated your New Year resolution? or is it a revolution? One year duration or more?

Today is December 30, 2009 fast turning December 31: time for resolutions as we await January 1, 2010!!!


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