Whenever survey results are aired about the performance of Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo as President of the Philippines and with emphasis it is said that once again she gets negative mark, I find myself wanting to know who these respondents are. I would like to know if they know what performance is and whether or not they have performed well in their own jobs or state of life.

Being a teacher and President GMA knows this, we are regularly evaluated by our students. Without generalizing, there are students who give low marks due to the fact that they get low grades which in fact they deserve. There are students who give high rating to their teachers even if they receive low marks for as long as they learn from these mentors.

Similarly, who can deny the fact that President GMA has guided us through the financial crisis? Whether we like her or not, we have to give what is due her: high performance!

To President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo: Happy New Year and Good Luck to you new plan to become the congresswoman of Pampanga.


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