Have you been ordering fast food lately?

No offense meant but after so many orders of fast food one can only relish nutritious food being served at table! But what can most do with the busy schedule that seems to siphon much of our energy? How can you enjoy the food you so patiently prepared and cooked when your body refuses to give you the reception you so wanted to possess? A much more ready- to- eat fast food, hot and outwardly presentable and delicious seems more inviting.

With so man reality shows that we see on tv, some titles are inspiring like "losing it with jillian" or "the big loser". Definitely teachers like me who have reached the high 60 must come to terms with "mortality". These seem to be my preoccupation nowadays what with so many of our colleagues "going ahead". But this will be thet topic in my next blog, for now, it is losing weight. Do you have tips? Let us exchange notes. At the moment, I am just conditioning myself to begin soon . . .

So have you ordered fast food lately and often? Perhaps we can still do so but it should be less than more. Also, these fast food chains should reconsider their policy about not offering 20% discount to senior citizens. All the more the elderly should avail of the discount especially when they are alone in their homes. Calling DTI and the DSWD!

To fellow senior citizens-teachers, how are you doing?


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