When you sea of people in an auditorium you are already awed at how many people are involved for any graduation. then when you shake hands with every graduate you think all the more what the parents have done to make the day extra special for their graduates. So what is a good gift for a graduate?

From experience, a gift is always a nice gesture of care. Sometimes, we expect a gift to look expensive so it means you are special. Sometimes, the wrapper also says you are not taken for granted for the gift is well thought of. Yet while all these are good to consider, a gift is better all the time if it is something that comes from the heart. Most of all, presence is more important than presents. Since we are aware of the financial condition of the family, gifts matter but not that it is the only thing that matters. A hug or a kiss from parents and siblings is more meaningful than a package which we know can be bought anywhere for as long as one buys it. Nobody can buy a hug or a kiss or love shown through one's time spent during the whole graduation rite.

So what is the best gift you can give to a graduate? Love, the ever genuine love that makes any event significant and memorable. Love is the best gift which does not need money. Most of all it is a reality everyone is capable of giving!


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