As a senior and elderly, the question is as fresh as ever: Why are the crime doers lording it over crime busters?
One has just to sit in front of a television set to see the world beset by these very confident evil doers: robbery, hold up, murder, rape, intense protests that lead to destruction and loss of life, bullying that sometimes leads to suicide of those being bullied, persistent racial discrimination even to this day etcetera, etcetera . . .

Let us bring all these crimes closer to home. A freshman college student (16 years old) was raped by a married man who has children of his own; this rapist is known to have done it to a number of girls - he stationed himself in front of schools to take a good look at his next victim . . . as though he had all the time in the world although they say he has the financial means and the connections. Then we hear of rape victims who are differently-abled we are left gnashing at the culprit for being so inhumane and utterly evil.  A college instructor was attacked, "almost beheaded", robbed and left dead on the road, few miles from his home while his parents were waiting for his arrival. Many other scenarios all you and I have to do is to look around our own little communities and take a more active interest in caring what is happening. So what do we do after all this awareness? Do we give up and agree that indeed the crime doers do lord over the crime busters?

Tentatively as a senior and elderly crime watcher, I must admit there are occasions when I can only entrust everything to God for what can old people do who do not have the power, the financial means and armament to back up should they receive threats themselves? However, deep in our gut, because of our belief in the basic goodness of persons, we canNOT give up and give these evil doers the time of day. They may get away with the crimes they have done for they are used to it they have become calloused and "heartless" but the crime busters remain in their posts. May there be more crime busters who hold their posts in their own homes, in their barangays, in their respective communities, in their own regions and countries. The good will always triumph over evil says God so in God's time, in God;s time.

So as to the question why do crime doers lord over the crime busters, the real answer is: in God's own time they never do!


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