Life as a whole is a learning moment for life. But it is when you are on your own, truly alone, that you face life's realities. Somehow, even the silence of the night and the noise that seems to become emboldened due to your "aloneness" in your own home that the teaching moments become so sharp and so deep to fathom.

Moment number one: When children get sick and you find you are alone in making them well. Other people are around but being the mom makes it seem so real that the children are yours to protect even from the inevitable sicknesses that every child faces all throughout their growing years. Yet with all the four children, these were the moments that made my existence meaningful and indispensable. The mom of course gets enough strength from her faith in God who is the source of all life.
Moment number two: When the children are grown and they begin to have their own niche. Time is viewed now in terms of quality not quantity. Even the distance makes it possible to treasure each other more. We have tried being together all the time and while it worked it is one fact of life that no one can stop, it is in letting your loved one be and go when he/she wills that then life is truly what it is meant to be. Being the mom who truly loves each of the grown children, even being alone is tolerable not because it is no longer painful but because it must be.So it is.
Moment number three: When alone moments teach you to learn about life that at the end of the day, every person is meant to be alone only to live more fully for as we came to this world alone we too have to go on alone but not necessarily physically alone. To life be the journey . . .


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