What a way to give witness to the significance of Education, that of almost dying. All this done by a little girl called Malala,a Pakistani and to this day she is still in the hospital in England recuperating.

The facts are heartwarming and heart tugging you can not help by be very angry at the Taliban who did this to her and to the other girls. All that Malala has done was to blog about her desire to be educated and to tell the world that she hopes all girls have the same experience as she is enjoying. Is is just providential that the school's principal is her dad. 

Perhaps it is not hard to understand why the Taliban did what he did because all this time because he belongs to a culture that does not encourage girls to be educated. Imagine what we take for granted as a right and in this part of the world, it is more of a miracle to be educated. Let us count our blessings even as we hope and pray that thee are less of Talibans who deprive the girls not only of their right to be educated but to be alive- to be respected as fellow human beings.

Malala, we pray for your fast recovery and we thank God for girls like you who give fresh air of innocence and strength in such frail bodies. May your tribe increase.


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